Author: Ourganda

I always start the day with a big glass of water (maybe you kick off your day with hot coffee). Glass in hand, I stand in front of the kitchen sink, turn the faucet, and fresh, clean water pours out. After breakfast, I jump in the shower and stand...

Thatched roofs sat on top of mud-and-sticks frames like toupees, combed to near perfection. Our Toyota van succeeded in taking us far off the paved road back into the distant village of Kinyante IV. But its undercarriage had constantly scraped along ruts and rocks on the...

How could we possibly save and extend lives without an outstanding medical team on the ground? We are so delighted to introduce you to what might be the best medical team anywhere in Uganda. Doreen Kabugho is the leader of our master medical team. She is 24 years...

We took delivery of the van. We hired an outstanding team (I’ll introduce you to them soon!). We adopted three distressed villages (more about those later). And we met some beautiful, precious people. During the 16 days Dennis Pumford and I spent in Uganda, we were smacked in the face with three...