Say both words out loud:
The people who live there are precious. We care. We become their brothers, sisters, friends, and partners so that they aren’t alone. When we think Uganda, we think Ourganda.The entire country is about the size of Oregon. The scenery is beautiful, the people have warm hearts and big smiles, but so many people struggle to survive. Many don’t. We are going to change that.
We are hiring a mast er medical team. We will send them out in a mobile medical clinic, a 4-wheel drive Scooby-Doo van stocked with medical supplies that can reach the most remote villages on the muddiest pathways (at least most of the year!). We are hoping to buy a van like this one. Our master team will consist of a licensed clinical officer and include a nurse and an assistantwho will also be the driver and mechanic.
As soon as the mobile clinic is ready to go, the team will go out into the primitive villages near the Congo border where no one else wants to go. They will establish wellness clubs, do health education, respond to emergencies, and bring spiritual guidance and hope. So many people die because of a difficult childbirth, a burn injury, a fever, or an infection. Did I mention that we are going to change that?
We will pilot the program in three villages. As soon as we know what we’re doing, we will expand to four villages, then ten, then forty,
We will save and extend lives while we share the gospel in the most-forgotten villages in Uganda.
Will you help us get started?
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