16 Aug Sarakihombya
We were amazed when the government came through. The road they built is primitive (and impassable when it’s wet), but it’s a road. They couldn’t afford a culvert so Ourganda paid for a culvert. And now our all-wheel-drive van makes it into the village carrying everything the team needs to educate and treat the people.

About 40% of the villagers have pit latrines that are in poor condition. But worse than that, their only source of water was a dark, slimy pond where animals come to drink and bathe. It was awful.

Ourganda has been able to help in two ways. First, our team brings new water filters to the village every month. Second, we completed a major fresh water system for the village in February 2019 consisting of eight water points scattered throughout the village. The days of women carrying polluted water on their backs from long distances are over.

Many villagers are joining and benefiting from the wellness club, and more are joining every week. They see their friends’ health improve and they want the same for themselves. We are delighted that many lives are being saved and the quality of life is improving. Our care team is doing a wonderful work. We could not be more proud of them!

This outreach was built by people like you. You can help fund a village, a project, or the overall ministry. Just click on the “Give Life” link below and make one-time gift or, better yet,. a recurring donation. We welcome you to be part of this ministry and help us deliver life-saving medical care wrapped in kindness.
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