20 Jul July 2022 Newsletter
“She swallowed it in January,” the mother estimated. “Now swallowing and breathing is difficult, she suffers with pain, and she sometimes vomits slime. How can you help her?” 2022 July Newsletter...
“She swallowed it in January,” the mother estimated. “Now swallowing and breathing is difficult, she suffers with pain, and she sometimes vomits slime. How can you help her?” 2022 July Newsletter...
Will you join me in praying for Meble? She is precious to her family, to our team, and to us. Everyone hoped to help her, and we pledged our support. 2022 June Newsletter...
When it comes to health, our starting point was tough. Official stats don’t exist, but some of the locals estimate that life expectancy in the remote villages is in the high 30s. A scratch or a fever can be fatal. That is changing dramatically in...
I just returned from Uganda. I wish you could have joined me. The long trip is brutal (thanks to some unexpected flight changes, I banked 54 hours from my bed at home to a bed in Uganda!) - but the people are wonderful. And our...
With her mom by her side, Juliet was waiting, her dark brown eyes searching for someone who cared and could give her hope. 2022 March Newsletter ...
We were sitting on the patio of a small Ugandan restaurant when the doctor across the table said, “Just last week, a woman made it to the hospital in labor. The caregivers told her she needed a C-section, but the hospital could not help her....
Here is Ourganda’s big question: It is easy to change one person’s life, or even a hundred people’s lives, but can we transform entire villages? 2022 January Newsletter ...
Four years ago, we purchased an all-wheel-drive van in Japan and had it shipped to Africa. The moment it arrived in January 2018, my friend Dennis Pumford and I were on site in Uganda and officially launched our first initiative. 2021 December Newsletter ...
For decades, women and girls have spent three or four hours a day carrying 45-pound jerry cans filled with water back to their homes 2021 November Newsletter ...
A Good-News, Micro-Business Story! 2021 September Newsletter ...