Kinyante IV

Kinyante IV


Kintante IV is a distressed, zero-income village in the Bundibugyo District and is the smallest of the villages we serve. About 750 people live in this village.


The people face two major challenges to their health. First, it is hard to find anyone who isn’t battling malnutrition, malaria, worm infestation, typhoid, or diarrhea. Proper hygiene is all but impossible due to a lack of clean water. Second, our care team discovered a lot of cutting which indicates that a witch doctor operates in the area and, of course, exacerbates most of their illnesses. Fortunately, the longer Ourganda serves in the village, the greater trust people have in our professionals.



The closest hospital is about nine miles away. The people’s only transportation is their own feet and when someone is sick, he or she is not going to walk for nine miles. The result is all-too-often the death of people who could have been saved.



Sanitation is a huge concern. Fewer than 50% of the villagers have pit latrines and they are not well built, maintained, or cleaned. No one has access to clean water. According to the World Health Organization, each person needs a minimum of two gallons of water per day for survival. This is only for basics of drinking, minimal hygiene and cooking, not including washing, laundry, agriculture or a decent bath or shower. Since the average family consists of six people, you can picture the women and children carrying 45 pounds of water from a three miles away several times each day. This has to be done whether they are well or sick. Someone has to do it, and it’s usually the women. During the Medical Camp 2018 in July, our team decided to start a new tradition to give the women a break. While the medical team is holding the clinic, our driver works with the villagers to collect 5 gallon jerry cans, drive them to the water source and return with water that, after cleaning with the filters we provide, is clean to use for any purpose. This takes a couple trips because they usually fill 80-90 cans.



The Kinyante IV Wellness Club is doing well and growing. Every week members learn new ways to improve their health and well-being. A large number of residents report that their health is improving remarkably as they implement new habits.


Ourganda has started raising money for a new water source that will bring pure water right into the heart of the village.  When it is complete, the health of the Kinyante IV villagers will inevitably move forward.


This outreach was built by people like you. You can help fund a village, a project, or the overall ministry. Just click on the “Give Life” link below and one-time gift or, better yet, a recurring donation. We welcome you to be part of this ministry and help us deliver life-saving medical care wrapped in kindness.


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